Mastery Classes

with Heather Linn

The Emerald Wisdom School offers focused Mastery Classes on a range of energy-related topics to deepen your knowledge and propel you towards mastery.

These Live Zoom classes are offered on a regular basis throughout the year.


** Next Live Mastery Class **

Activating your Sacred Feminine Energy

18 September 2024 👇🏽

Activating your Sacred Feminine Energy

Live Mastery Class on 18 September 2024

In this 90-minute Mastery Class, you’ll learn about:

  • The evolutionary role of the Sacred Feminine

  • From scared to sacred: Transcending patriarchal fear programming

  • Sacred Feminine attributes, assets and spiritual gifts

  • Anchoring the Sophia-Christ energy in the 5D heart

  • Energetic nodes & pathways for feminine potency and flow

  • Cosmic sources of Sacred Feminine energy & assistance

  • Tips to strengthen and integrate the Sacred Feminine

    * PLUS a powerful Guided Activation *

    Activating Sacred Feminine energy in the light body & igniting feminine power and soul gifts

Recorded Mastery Classes

Browse this selection of recorded Mastery Classes - available for purchase


Your Monadic I AM & Soul Embodiment

Recorded Mastery Class: May 2024

“This Mastery Class was profoundly powerful. I had a major detox response during the activations and then felt absolutely wonderful afterwards.”

~ Marleen, South Africa.

In this 90-minute Mastery Class, you’ll learn about:

  • Light body & planetary upgrades in 2024

  • The energetics of intentional soul embodiment

  • Energetic pathways to gather soul energy & elevate your timeline

  • The Monad and your I AM soul expression

  • Nine levels of Monadic connection & expansion

  • The Antakarana Bridge of Rainbow Light.

PLUS: Two Guided Activations to upgrade your Light Body and Connect with your Monad.

Energetic Foundations for the New Earth

Recorded Mastery Class: February 2024

“Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation, so clear and practical and perfect timing. It provides a really clear map for the way ahead.” ~ Marianne Nichols, UK

In this 90-minute Mastery Class, you’ll learn about:

  • Energetic keys to the New Earth paradigm

  • Delinking from the 3D matrix and old programming

  • Choosing timelines and updating soul contracts

  • The expanded 5D Heart field & soul streaming

  • Tips to strengthen your New Earth foundation.

PLUS: A Guided Soul Journey to connect with your soul energy and update your soul contracts & timeline.

Embodying the 5D Chakras

Recorded Mastery Class: November 2023

“Wow! Thank you Heather. This class was the perfect next step on my Ascension journey. I felt that I was connecting to my true self for the first time. The activations were amazing. I felt so strong with my Hara Line - almost like a fiery golden rod - like yeah, at last!” ~ Maisie Yazbek, Australia

In this 80-minute Mastery Class, you’ll learn about:

  • Building a 5D light bridge to the New Earth paradigm

  • Light body evolution and dimensions of embodiment

  • The 5D chakras: New lessons and 5D upgrades

  • The Hara: Vibrational keynote for soul embodiment

  • The Hara Line and life purpose alignment in 5D.

PLUS: Two powerful activations of your 5D Chakras and Hara Line.

In this Mastery Class you’ll be guided to embody your 5D chakras and activate your Haric dimension for deeper soul embodiment.

Sacred Union: Balancing your Inner Feminine and Masculine Energies

Recorded Mastery Class: 30 August 2023

“Thanks so much for this beautiful class. It was very helpful and informative. I love listening to you! “ ~ Danelle Olivier, South Africa

In this 75-minute Mastery Class, you’ll be guided to:

  • Identify masculine and feminine energies

  • Get to know how your Inner Masculine and Feminine relate

  • Initiate more connection between these primal forces

  • Change the internal narrative and power dynamic

  • Reset your relationship template

  • Sanctify the inner temple of your Divine Feminine.

PLUS: A powerful Guided Journey to work with your Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine and change their relationship.

Activating your 5D Blueprint

Recorded Mastery Class: May 2023

 "This Masterclass was very powerful! I had goose pimples that washed over my whole body during the activations."  ~ Janine Greenhow, UK

Your 5D Blueprint is an energetic map within your light body. Accessing this energetic map will help you navigate these transitional times while staying strongly embodied and centred in your truth. It will give you access to higher perception and point you towards your greatest potential in this lifetime – your highest timeline.

Activating and anchoring your 5D Blueprint will help you to raise your vibrational frequency exponentially and propel you towards the next level of consciousness. It is a powerful energy tool for your Ascension journey!

In this 75-minute Mastery Class, you’ll be guided to access the map and activate your 5D Blueprint.

Awakening your 5D Heart: A Portal to the Fifth Dimension

Recorded Mastery Class: March 2023

“This powerful transmission helped the back and the front of my heart open after a lifetime of trauma. This was key to my awakening process!” ~ Joan LoMonaco, USA

In this 70-minute Mastery Class, you’ll be guided to activate FIVE ENERGETIC PATHWAYS to awaken your 5D Heart chakra. The 5D Heart chakra is the foundation for arising heart-based consciousness and a bridge to the Fifth Dimension. Working with your own 5D Heart chakra is one of the fastest ways to tap into fifth-dimensional energies and anchor the 5D frequencies in your energy field and your orbit.

Awakening your 5D Heart is an evolutionary process, with many potential benefits for yourself and for planetary awakening. This Masterclass is an invitation to start or continue this powerful light work.

Five Tools to Clear your Energy

Recorded Mastery Class: December 2022

“What an amazing Masterclass! Heather’s work, wisdom and teachings are so timelessly valuable." ~ Vee Harel, South Africa

In this 75-minute Mastery Class, you’ll learn five effective and easy-to-use tools to clear your energy and raise your vibrational frequency. Knowing how to clear your energy is an essential evolutionary skill. Clearing your energy on a regular basis will help you to recalibrate and stay centred when everything around you is in flux. Using these tools will boost your capacity to move with the rapid pace of change, receive incoming light codes and stay on course with your highest timeline.