Activating your Sacred Feminine Energy

Date: Wednesday 18 September

Time: 7:30pm SAST / 7:30pm CET / 6:30pm UK/ 1:30pm Eastern / 10:30am Pacific / 530am New Zealand

(Use this time zone convertor to find the time in your location)

Duration: 90 minutes

Replay: Available for all registered participants

Investment: $22

** R350 for SA residents **

Please contact: for ZAR payment details

Access details

When you register for this Mastery Class, you’ll receive a confirmation email from the Emerald Wisdom School with access details to the live event. Please check all your folders, including Spam and Promotions ~ and save your confirmation email!

The Rise of the Sacred Feminine

Sacred Feminine energy is the powerhouse of our evolutionary growth and a major energetic force propelling us towards the fifth-dimensional New Earth paradigm.

Throughout the patriarchal era, women (and men) have internalised patriarchal programming and masculine modes of power. These unbalanced expressions are no longer serving humanity – and cannot be part of our 5D future.

The empowerment of women has already initiated a sea-change in the status quo – rebalancing the distortions of centuries of masculine dominance – and now we can accelerate this evolutionary process energetically.

This is the quantum way to jump-shift into a new dimensional reality.

Working with your energetics is one of your superpowers. It’s also one of the keys to unlocking or strengthening your soul purpose and potential as a woman who has chosen to incarnate during this end-of-cycle transition.

Activating Sacred Feminine energy and anchoring it in the light body will fundamentally change the way you experience and express your human-ness and ultimately the way we all operate as a collective on the planet.

With this energetic shift, we are seeding a new paradigm based on Sacred Feminine principles and a more heart-based leadership style.

In this new paradigm, feminine attributes and assets will be highly valued once more and will lead the way to a more balanced and heart-centred way of being – in harmony with each other, Mother Earth and the Cosmos itself.

This Mastery Class is an opportunity to explore the energetics of the Sacred Feminine and ignite your inner feminine power and flow the quantum way.

I invite you to dive into this experience and unlock your feminine mastery and soul magick.

In this Mastery Class, you’ll learn about:

  • The evolutionary role of the Sacred Feminine

  • From scared to sacred: Transcending patriarchal fear programming

  • Sacred Feminine attributes, assets and spiritual gifts

  • Anchoring the Sophia-Christ energy in the 5D heart

  • Energetic nodes & pathways for feminine potency and flow

  • Cosmic sources of Sacred Feminine energy & assistance

  • Tips to strengthen and integrate the Sacred Feminine

And experience a powerful activation:

  • Activating Sacred Feminine energy in the light body & igniting feminine power and soul gifts

Register now!

Access details

When you register for this Mastery Class, you’ll receive a confirmation email from the Emerald Wisdom School with access details to the live event. Please check all your folders, including Spam and Promotions ~ and save your confirmation email!

The facilitator for this Mastery Class is Heather Linn