The Witch’s Imprint

Clearing Soul Wounds & Reclaiming Power

This is a deep-dive course for women who are carrying the witch-wound. If you’re a teacher, therapist, healer, seer, or lightworker of any type, chances are that you have been deemed a witch in the past and persecuted for sharing your knowledge and gifts. The soul memory of persecution trauma – the Witch’s Imprint – might still be holding you back in some way and dimming your light.

** This is a recorded course with two modules **

Each module includes:

  • A video presentation by Heather Linn (recording from the live course)

  • An audio recording of the presentation

  • Summary of the presentation in PDF format 

  • Downloadable audio recordings of the Guided Meditations.

  • Assignments in Teachable to guide your personal soul and energy work.

Investment $59

** R999 for SA residents **

(For ZAR payments, please contact: for EFT options.)

Course access

When you purchase for the course, you’ll receive a confirmation email from the Emerald Wisdom School with all your access details. Please check all your folders, including Spam and Promotions – and save your course access emails!

What is the Witch’s Imprint?

It is very common for women to have been branded as witches and persecuted in a previous lifetime. You might have been ridiculed, ostracised, banished, imprisoned, tortured, lynched, or even burnt at the stake for sharing your beliefs and healing gifts. 

Soul wounds of this magnitude can persist for many lifetimes. You might still be holding energetic imprints of these soul wounds in your energy field and old witch-wound beliefs in your unconscious mind. Or you might even be feeling the effects of the Witch’s Imprint in the collective field. 

The Witch Wound shows up in many disempowering ways:

  • You don’t feel safe

  • Speaking your truth is scary or difficult

  • You don’t like being visible

  • Financial scarcity is your normal 

  • You have a big vision, or yearning to do your light work, but feel paralysed or blocked

  • You’re not accessing or sharing your gifts in the way you’d like to

  • You suffer from a lack of confidence

  • Or you play small.

Does any of this sound familiar? 

Then you might be holding the Witch Wound and the many beliefs that keep it in place. 

If you want to release these limitations – and share your gifts with greater confidence and ease – this course is for you!

Why now?

The Witch’s Imprint is coming up for clearing now because we need to transmute this collective wounding and the trauma layers that have held us back for so long.

Clearing your personal witch-wound has the potential to catapult you onto a higher timeline.

We are on an accelerated path of mass awakening, with an extraordinary opportunity to shift into higher consciousness and embody the Divine Feminine once more. You are more than likely here at this transitional time to contribute to this unfolding awakening.

The Witch’s Imprint, and underlying beliefs, hold you back from this soul purpose. It distorts your true self and potential. Identifying it, understanding it, and clearing it will help you to reclaim your power and shift onto a higher timeline.

Now more than ever, it’s time to unashamedly share your gifts and shine your light. 

The world needs your witch-knowing, your witch-gifts, and your soul light!

Take the next step on your path to unlock more of your potential and become the powerful creatrix you came here to be.  

In this transformative two-module course, you’ll be guided to identify your witch-wound and initiate the process of clearing it and reclaiming lost power.

What makes this course unique?

Heather’s courses are both experiential and transformational. She has worked extensively with her own Witch’s Imprint to understand it’s impact and to clear it so these teachings arise from her personal experience and from her energy healing work with clients for the past 15 years.

You will learn & experience: 

  • How the Witch’s Imprint might be affecting you now

  • Surface witch-wound beliefs that might be blocking your path 

  • Move out of victim consciousness & fear programming

  • Identify and clear your unique Witch’s Imprint

  • Step into the vibrational frequency of your gifts

  • And much more ….

The Curriculum

Module 1: Peering into the witch-wound

  • Unpacking the Witch’s Imprint and it’s lasting effects.

  • The genesis and tenacity of the 3D fear grids.

  • Six common signs of the Witch’s Imprint.

  • Witch-wound consciousness: agreements, vows, contracts

  • The pernicious power of witch-wound beliefs.

Soul work:

  • Identify your witch-wound programming.

  • Transform your witch-wound beliefs.

Energy work:

  • Unshackle from the fear grid.

Module 2: Clearing, reclaiming, shining

  • Witch-wound energetics: blockages and other imprints

  • Common chakra blockages and their impacts

  • A high-frequency tool to clear the Witch’s Imprint

  • Identifying and reclaiming your witch-gifts

  • The embodied rise of the Divine Feminine.

    Soul work

  • Shining the light on your witch-gifts

    Energy work

  • Locating and clearing your Witch’s Imprint

  • Igniting Divine Feminine energy & retrieving your witch-gifts.

Benefits of clearing the Witch’s Imprint

  • Release from soul trauma and wound energy

  • Initiate a process of clearing multiple karmic imprints

  • Uplevel your vibrational frequency

  • Connect more deeply with your innate feminine power and your gifts

  • Align with your soul purpose

  • Shift to a higher timeline expression

  • Support your lightworker role to assist humanity

  • Gain more confidence and inner peace

  • Open to receive more abundance 

  • Shine your light more brightly. 

Purchase the course for $59

** R999 for SA residents **

(For ZAR payments, please contact: for EFT options.)

Course access

When you purchase the course, you’ll receive a confirmation email from the Emerald Wisdom School with all your access details. Please check all your folders, including Spam and Promotions – and save your confirmation emails!

Please note: When you register, you’ll be automatically subscribed to the Emerald Wisdom School mailing list so that you receive the access details and course instructions. You can unsubscribe at any time thereafter. Your data is never shared.