Raising your Vibrational Frequency

Why your frequency matters and 12 steps to boost it

Cosmic energy is moving rapidly now: consciousness is expanding, and time seems to be speeding up. This quickening brings turbulence and a degree of chaos. The best way to align yourself with the current transition is to go with the flow of change, rather than resisting change. Raising your vibrational frequency will make this a whole lot easier: it’s like taking the high road rather than wading through mud. You get to choose!

But how do your raise your vibrational frequency? This is a question many of my clients have been asking, which prompted me to offer some pointers. The guidelines in this article will enable you to raise your frequency, expand your consciousness, and ultimately change your experience of your reality.  

What is your vibration?

Your vibration is a composite of your thoughts, emotions, physical body and energetic bodies – as well as your soul energy. Your vibrational ‘identity’ is formed of multiple experiences: in this life as a child, a teenager and adult; and in multiple previous lives as the soul has travelled through time and gathered experience. In other words, we manifest in physical form with layers of vibrational energy from multiple dimensions and timelines. 

Think of this multi-layered experience as your vibrational frequency – or signature tune – and like walking radio stations, we are constantly emitting this frequency into our environment. 

According to David R. Hawkins, our frequency is correlated with levels of consciousness. (Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour, 1985). 

David R. Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness

David R. Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness

On Hawkins’ Scale (or Map) of Consciousness, frequency is measured on a scale from 0-1000, where enlightenment (the highest vibration) calibrates from 700-1000 and emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, grief, anger, and pride (lower vibrations) calibrate from 0-200. 

The Map of Consciousness is a useful visual tool to understand vibration and consciousness. Each person is operating at many levels at the same time, but it is our dominant state of being that will determine where we calibrate on the scale. The level of 200 represents the cut-off point for positive versus negative, contraction versus expansion, a weak energetic state versus a powerful state. Ideally, your aim should be to elevate your frequency to above the 200 mark. At this level, you will have more energy, and therefore more power, for a positive life experience – and to fulfil your soul’s purpose. 

Why is it important to raise your vibrational frequency?

It might sound like hard work to raise your vibration, so why bother? 

There are many reasons why you might have a vested interest in raising your vibration. 

Firstly, it’s like giving yourself an upgrade! In spiritual terms, this means expansion – and spiritual expansion and progression is the essence of our journey as a soul, and as an incarnated being. And with expansion comes the capacity to consciously evolve and flow more effortlessly with change.

Secondly, raising your vibration will attract more of what you want into your field. As Albert Einstein said: “Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” 

It is a law of physics that the vibration we emit into the Universal field magnetises similar vibrational composites into our own energy field and experience. In other words, what you think and how you feel influences what comes into your experience. If you change your vibration, you change your experience, the trajectory that you’re currently on, and ultimately your destiny – in this life and future lives! This is what is meant by the notion that we create our reality. 

Thirdly, a higher frequency increases your natural protection. The increase in light energy in your field will naturally keep away lower energies. Conversely, a higher vibration attracts energies and experiences of a higher vibration. And with greater awareness, you can start choosing what comes into your field. The very process of raising your vibration will develop and strengthen this awareness. 

And last but not least, a higher vibrational frequency affords you more energy – and power – to live your life in alignment with your soul purpose. 

Enough reason to raise your vibrational frequency, right? So let’s get to the nitty gritty of how. 

12 steps to raise your vibrational frequency 

Your vibrational frequency is a composite of multiple dimensions of your being, and so it follows that raising your vibration requires paying attention to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – as well as your light body. 

There is no simple formula, but here are 12 steps along the high road:

1. Know yourself: Awareness is the gateway 

As your awareness increases, so you are more able to intervene to change your default patterning and make conscious choices in creating your life experience. 

You might be strong in one area, and weak in another, so the first step is to get to know yourself. Are you rigid mentally? Do you have a tendency to spiral down into negative or even catastrophic thinking? Are you stable or volatile emotionally? Do you let small things throw you off centre? Are you prone to stress and anxiety, even when things are going smoothly? Are you spiritually connected? Are you aware of your energy field?

Be honest in your assessment. Identify your priority area of change – and then do the inner work to make the changes!

Takeaway: Start where you are and enjoy the ripple effect of conscious awareness. 

2. Light body care: Energy awareness and flow

You’ll be giving yourself a head start if you learn how to manage your subtle energy bodies. By regularly clearing and balancing your chakras and aura, and learning how to ground yourself, you dissolve density, stagnancy or blockages and keep the energy flowing through your energetic pathways. This is a surefire way to raise your vibrational frequency. 

You can also work with the fifth-dimensional chakras, to activate your 5D blueprint and bring a higher frequency into your chakric body and into your field. 

Over time, light body work is one of the most powerful ways of shifting your energy and raising your vibrational frequency. It’s like an upgrade!  

Takeaway: Get to know your energy and actively work with your light body to raise your frequency.

3. Physical body: Your temple 

Your physical body is the vehicle for your experience in this Earthly dimension. Caring for your ‘body temple’ is a foundational step in keeping your vibes up! Your state of health sets the tone for much of your experience. For example, fatigue, stress, and chronic ill health all take a toll on your vibration, while vibrant health radiates a higher frequency. 

There are six pillars to create vibrant health and wellbeing:  

  • Healthy nutrition – What you put into your body affects every aspect of your health. For example, a plant-based diet will afford a lighter vibration, whereas a diet loaded with animal fat and high in toxins will lower your vibration. Healthy nutrition includes good hydration to keep your vital life force energy flowing.

  • Good sleep – This is one of the most efficient ways to regulate wellbeing (and mood). This is when vital processing and repair work is done. It’s also when you access non-local mind and tap into higher consciousness. 

  • Movement & exercise – Regular exercise integrates mind and body, oxygenates cells, balances hormones and releases stress. 

  • Stress management – Stress is the number one factor underlying most chronic illnesses. Reducing stress is therefore a key element in maintaining physical health, and regulating mental and emotional health. 

  • Positive emotions – Emotions are the primary drivers of physiological processes: positive emotions reinforce physical wellbeing, while negative emotions create inflammation in the body and accelerate dis-ease. 

  • Regular detox – In this chemical age, it is impossible to avoid toxins completely, but you can take steps to minimise your toxic load. For example: avoid processed foods; eat organic as much as possible; use toxin-free body and household products. And find a gentle, safe detox protocol to eliminate toxins and make this part of your routine.  

Maintaining these pillars to support your body temple has a positive effect on your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing as well as your vibrational vitality. 

Takeaway: Review the six pillars and assess how you are doing in caring for your body temple. Then make the changes that will improve your health and wellbeing.  

4. Emotional body: Feelings and responses 

Feeling states are strongly correlated with vibrational frequency. The emotional body is a complex of past emotional patterning, and our responses in the present. As emotional beings, we are constantly triggered by past experience, such as childhood wounding and old traumas. This is part of our biochemical patterning too. 

Get to know your emotional body: What are your dominant emotions? Are you stuck in past wounding? Are you emotionally stable or volatile? Do you have a tendency towards being reactive or do you meet the present as it is? What is lurking in your shadow? 

Emotional processing means facing the shadow and integrating the trauma layers. One of the most powerful things you can do is release resentment and find forgiveness for those you perceive to have wronged you. While it’s important to disengage from toxic relationships, we also need to disengage from the toxic emotions we keep alive inside us. 

Take time to work though old wounds and release the pain of past experiences. If you’re stuck, see a therapist or healer to help you. 

Takeaway: Emotional processing and releasing trauma are keys to lightening your vibes.

5. Mental body: Thoughts, beliefs, and conditioning

The power of thought to create reality is vastly under-estimated. Our thought processes shape experiences every single day.  Becoming aware of your thought patterns, and consciously choosing more positive thoughts, affords you a type of mastery that will significantly change your vibration. As Louise Hay said: “If you’re willing to change your thoughts, you change your life”. 

Thought is a composite of rational thinking, unconscious beliefs, and programmes installed in childhood, and even in past lives. The first step is to become more aware of these levels of thought. Do you have a tendency towards negative or critical thinking? Is your inner critic overly active? What are your core beliefs? Do they serve you or are they based on fear or painful past experiences? 

Observe your thoughts and identify your mental patterns. Then take steps to change negative thinking into more positive thinking, to replace disempowering beliefs with empowering beliefs, and slowly but surely change your mind! 

Takeaway: Set an intention to change your mind and do the work to transform negative thoughts and limiting beliefs into empowering thoughts and beliefs.

6. Spiritual body: Your spiritual connection

It is often said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are often so busy with our human experience, that we forget about our spiritual being-ness. It’s important to make time and space to connect with your spirituality, whatever this means to you. This may mean connecting with your own soul or opening up the channels of communication with a higher power. Whether you call this higher power God, Goddess, Allah or Source, it is simply acknowledging that there is a force greater than yourself and a mystery that is alive and present in the very fabric of the Universe. 

This connection arises in the pauses and silences, not while we are frantically busy. So, make time for quietness and solitude. Go within. Listen to the whispers of your soul. Create a sacred space in your home for meditation, prayer, and ritual. Make your chosen spiritual practice a daily habit.  

Having a regular spiritual practice will expand your capacity for higher awareness and boost your vibrational health.  

Takeaway: Start your day with a spiritual practice and bring a sense of the sacred into your daily life. 

7. Meditation  

Meditation is regarded as a cornerstone of spiritual practice.  

With regular practice, meditation will help you to still the mind and drop into the moment. It is a surefire way to reduce stress and anxiety and has a host of other benefits, including regulating the nervous system; improving focus and memory; strengthening the immune system, improving cardiovascular health; growing self-compassion; and allowing greater awareness and intuition to arise. 

Meditation is also an important practice to connect with your soul and/or spirit guides.  

Takeaway: Start your day with meditation and become the observer of your experience. 

8. Time in nature

Spending time in nature is an enjoyable way to release stress and restore vibrational harmony. We need Earth energy to charge our energy systems and to feel grounded. Connecting with the Earth also resets the biological clock through the circadian rhythm. 

Natural environments emit a high frequency: the more pristine, the higher the frequency. For instance, old-growth forest or fynbos carry a higher frequency than a plantation forest. 

In addition, negative ions are abundant in nature, especially at the ocean, around waterfalls and after a storm. Negative ions clear the air – and your energy field – of airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, bacteria and viruses and help counteract EMF exposure. In our polluted city and office environments we are constantly exposed to positive ions and we need negative ions to restore homeostasis and a feeling of wellbeing. 

Takeaway: Receive nature’s abundant gifts to deepen your grounding and recharge your system. 

9. Choose elevated emotions

Choosing an elevated emotion, such as love, joy or gratitude, and expanding it, will automatically increase your vibration. This in turn will have a positive effect on your biochemistry, allowing your body to self-heal too.  

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational states. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a powerful way to increase your vibration. For starters, gratitude cannot co-exist with anger, so if you’re angry about something, one of the ways to transform (not deny) this emotion, is to find the gift in the situation, or the person, you are angry with and feel grateful for what has come into your field. 

Even those experiences that appear to be negative, can be transformed by understanding that everything that happens is an opportunity to grow, and in this sense, is in your highest good. There is a gift in every situation. Find the gratitude!

There are many ways to practice gratitude. For example, you may want to keep a gratitude journal or include gratitude in your spiritual practice, whether in prayer or meditation.  

Takeaway: Make gratitude a habit: guaranteed, it will up your vibration! 

10. Loving kindness practice

Loving kindness is one of the cornerstones of Buddhist philosophy. There is a good reason for this. From a vibrational point of view, love calibrates at 500 on Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness. Choosing love or kindness (an expression of love) in any situation will raise not only your own vibration, but the vibration of people in your orbit. Love is a transformative energy and has the capacity to transmute even the greatest suffering and change vibrational frequencies. This has been found to be the case for plants and water too. 

One way to expand love in your life is to have a conscious loving kindness practice. This means approaching everyone (including yourself) with an attitude of loving kindness. In every situation, reach for the highest expression of who you can be and offer this gift to everyone you encounter. It also means being aware of your inner dialogue, and making sure that what you say to yourself is loving and kind. 

And there’s a bonus: a regular loving kindness practice is a powerful foundation for cultivating self-love. 

Takeaway: Cultivate a loving kindness practice, towards yourself and others. When you are in a challenging situation, ask yourself: what would love do?  

11. Ask for guidance and support  

You don’t have to go it alone! There is always support in the wings. It may be in the form of a friend’s listening ear, a book, a stranger’s offer of assistance, a synchronous incident, or your spiritual team of helpers at work. 

If help does not seem to be available or forthcoming, then ask! Call a friend. Go to a therapist, a healer, a support group. And don’t forget to ask for guidance from the Universe and your spirit guides

When you ask for support, and are open to receiving it, it will show up in some form. 

Takeaway: Be open to receiving support and notice what shows up in your field.  

12. Laugh, play and have fun!

Ever heard the old adage that laughter is the best medicine? This is physiologically true. Laughter floods your system with endorphins, releasing stress and boosting wellbeing. It’s a potent elixir!

So, while raising your vibration might seem like hard work, don’t forget to laugh, play, and have fun along the way. After all, life is an adventure through time, so you may as well enjoy the ride. 

Takeaway: Lighten up!

© Heather Linn, April 2023


Awakened Presence: The art of being here now