Raising your Vibrational Frequency
Heather Linn Heather Linn

Raising your Vibrational Frequency

Cosmic energy is moving rapidly now: consciousness is expanding, and time is speeding up. This quickening brings turbulence and a degree of chaos. The best way to align yourself with the current transition is to go with the flow of change, rather than resisting change. Raising your vibrational frequency will make this a whole lot easier: it’s like taking the high road rather than wading through mud. You get to choose!

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Awakened Presence: The art of being here now
Heather Linn Heather Linn

Awakened Presence: The art of being here now

If you are constantly thinking about the past or worrying about the future, you give away an enormous amount of energy – your life force energy – and you miss out on the opportunities of the present. When you place your attention fully in the present, you have more energy to bring to your life and in so doing you expand your experience and your consciousness. This is the true power of now!

Being present in the moment is one dimension of presence. But there is a deeper dimension of presence, which is about fully embracing your very existence in the here and now. This is what I call Awakened Presence.

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The Fifth Dimension and Beyond: Our Future Story
Heather Linn Heather Linn

The Fifth Dimension and Beyond: Our Future Story

This is a transcript of an interview given by Heather Linn for Into the Mythica: Wisdom & Secrets from our Primordial Past, an online global conference which aired from 10 - 14 January 2022. Heather was interviewed by Jocelyn Star Feather, creator & host of the Into the Mythica conference, and founder of Sacred Planet (www.wearesacredplanet.com).

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The Energetics of the Fifth Dimension: Light Body Evolution
Heather Linn Heather Linn

The Energetics of the Fifth Dimension: Light Body Evolution

This is a presentation by Heather Linn for The Dimensional Fork in the Road Summit: Forging a High-Frequency Pathway for Humanity, which aired from 15 - 19 November 2021. The Dimensional Fork in the Road Summit was created and hosted by Heather Linn. In this opening presentation, Heather is interviewed by Mandy Swain.

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